Hi. You've reached the moribund philosophy blog of P.D. Magnus.
I blogged here regularly from 2005-2016. The software that held the blog together hadn't been updated in years when I finally moved on to a more stable platform.
In the Spring of 2023, that old code finally stopped rendering the site. So I bodged together some scripts to put most of the old content back at its old URLs, including all the comments and discussions.
The site is now a static record. I won't be making new posts. It doesn't allow new comments. The navigation options are rudimentary.
The old permalinks should still work, but some of the other links may be broken. Here are five randomly selected entries:
- Further reverberations in the echo chamber
- Working retail
- Historical echoes, part 5
- Surfing the new wave
- Common sense of the hokum variety
If you're looking for something specific, it might be useful to trawl the archive or search.
- The Archive: A chronological list of all the posts, with links
Alternately, you can follow some links to my other sites.