The FOE digest for 2012
Thu 06 Dec 2012 01:05 PM
This post continues the tradition of taking the first sentence from the first post of every month in order to generate a summary of the year's blogging; cf. 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011.
I: Regarding the lengths of things that I've written, the manuscript for the unstably named book on natural kinds is about 75K words.
II: In summarizing his philosophical approach to the photographer Steve Pyke, David Lewis said...
III: I wrote my dissertation on the underdetermination of theory by data.
IV: [n/a]
V: I have completed the index for my forthcoming book, which is to appear in September.
VI: In a commencement address at University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Neil Gaiman offers the following advice...
VII: Jim Holt, writing in the New York Times' philosophy blog The Stone, asks whether philosophy can be literature and answers yes.
VIII: My open access logic book, forall x, is going to be used this Fall for the first year logic course at Cambridge.
IX: In an epicycle of self-promotion, I am profiled by the UAlbany College of Arts and Sciences because my open access logic textbook was adopted at Cambridge.
X: In a post over at Crooked Timber, John Quiggin invokes the distinction between scholars who follow a K-strategy and those that follow an r-strategy.
XI: Consider the sentence, "Tautologists all agree."
XII: Via Brian Leiter and Mohan Matthen, I came across Alvin Plantinga's review in the New Republic of Thomas Nagel's newbook.
Despite my intention to blog a little each month, I posted nothing for April. I've managed to avoid such gaps since November 2008, when I was similarly silent. Other than the fact that 2008 was also a light year for blogging, I don't think there are any parallels worth noting.
Content from months where I did post looks to be about one half musings launched by something that I read on-line and one half me talking about my books. A light cocktail of non sequitur and horn tooting.