Turkeys form a natural kind, stuffing is an HPC
Thu 28 Nov 2013 10:25 AM
To those of you in the USA, happy Thanksgiving.
To those of you outside the USA, my apologies for this day in which you have to put up with people in the USA taking the day off to mark a holiday that has its roots in empire and genocide.
We're marking the day by having some of my colleagues over for a big dinner. Two of them are Canadian and so are just indulging us.
My paper with Heather Douglas has finally been published. In a time of advance access DOIs and on-line first, finally appearing in print doesn't seem like a big deal. But it means the reference is finalized, so I updated the references on my website.
I also posted a draft about natural kinds and homeostatic property clusters which I had meant to post a couple of weeks ago.