This was the philosophy blog of P.D. Magnus, who blogged here regularly from 2005-2016. Here is a list of all the posts, in chronological order and listed by title.
- Tom Reid meets Tom Bayes
- Tell me a story
- The Hamlet antinomy
- Zo, vhere vere ve?
- Reliability on Wikipedia
- There exists 'forall x'
- Dapple is as dapple does
- I may if I might, but I can't so I won't
- Winch orm, winch orm, measuring the marigolds
- Is induction inductive?
- On seeing a theorem
- Parapsychology and demarcation
- iLogic, youLogic, weAllLogic
- File under 'words are curious things'
- Significance in the 20th century
- Gossiping in the echo chamber
- Further reverberations in the echo chamber
- The d and the cog in d-cog
- forall x marches on
- forall x, forsome x, forno x
- Kierkegaard and the sermon problem
- Demon. Theories
- Anticipations of revolutions
- Today I have a blog
- RCRambling
- It should have been called the 'negatron'
- Style and substance
- Thursday procrastination
- She wants to keep her baby
- Jon, Ron, and the wages of sin
- D-cog in d-machine
- Bacchanalian realism
- The Revenge of the Dinosaur Argument
- 'Words are curious things' redux
- Six degrees of separation
- Cat and Girl in the echo chamber
- Time, time, time...
- Another quaff of realism
- An angsty tableaux
- Rumor Volat
- Sentry duty and a three-word vocabulary
- Chance and credence
- Dewey to me one more time
- Great scot, Holmes! That was meant for us.
- Dear Jay, more about natural kinds
- Any publication you can walk away from is a good publication
- forall x, truth and satisfaction
- Wee-key-pedia guilt
- Defer madness
- Holmes again, Holmes again, jiggety jig
- Wikipedia on Cartesian Free Masonry
- I'm just here for the natural kinds
- The Wikipedia paper
- New versions
- Wikipedia paper: The movie
- Because I can
- Planet? I usually make it up as I go along
- When is a planet not a planet?
- The Doors for dogs
- URL grey
- Happy blogiversary!
- The mallet and blank cartridges
- 3... 2... 1... Logic!
- War between the states
- Give me a ping, Vasili
- Data: Bruno, Ilsa, Friedrich
- American idol
- Papers hiding and being seen
- Three remarks about inkblots
- Year in review, bullet point meme edition
- Wikis fit wee locks
- Miscellaneous F
- Shiny new versions
- Too much is never enough
- Dissonance, duplicity, or duplicity
- Minor ethical aspects of citation
- Poppy phenomena
- Author's rights and the community
- Author's rights, by which I mean mine
- Free variables, open access
- The third degree
- My sayings
- The good bishop voted off the island
- A blurb worthy of a book jacket
- Ye olde curiosity shoppe
- Burst culture and the academic blog
- Ruminations on fecundity
- The world is full of strata
- Whinging about conditionalization
- All the chimps give a shout out to Benedict
- Simulation
- Who put the we in the wikipedia?
- Duhem? I never even...
- New draft on theories
- Watch Thag simulate the world
- Lo, Quine!
- Drowning in spam
- Happy second blogiversary!
- The great divide
- Imprint, offprint, inprint
- Yammering on about brevity
- Glib remarks about taking things seriously
- Ruminations on type
- Working retail
- Second annual bulletpoint year in review
- Conference Call
- Laying Down the Law
- A trivial trio for the new year
- Blog meetup
- forall x rides again
- Reaching out toward Exceeding Our Grasp
- I can never post at the same blog twice
- The teaching meme
- Blog software update
- Claiming amnesty
- Cold call
- Police help sound bite victim
- forall x, x provides feedback
- Making teen moms disappear
- Labouring over master arguments
- Rook takes Bishop, Angler takes Trout
- Two realisms enter, only one can leave
- What I believe about easy knowledge
- Brief debriefing
- Reid rides again
- Meme: Passion Quilt (and merch)
- Big monkey, logic book
- A distinct paper on identical rivals
- Curiouser and curiouser
- Performance in print
- The pixels or print dilemma for free textbooks
- Their insidious reference
- The birth of trivia
- Courses as dry goods
- My insidious lies
- The sincerest form of flattery
- Playing telephone with the echo chamber
- Happy third blogiversary!
- Induction by any other name would smell
- Existential notes from the campaign
- Hunting the essence of existentialism
- See Eff Pee
- An essence for existentialism
- 2008 in review
- Another essence for existentialism
- Popping the stack
- Nozick's gedanken machine
- There is no 'you' in 'Wikipedia'
- forall x feedback, gold edition
- What I'll say to the Russians
- Pluralism takes all kinds
- Two dead senators and an extra Wilhelm
- Now with fifty percent more bupkis
- A blog before the internet
- Fallout from Pittsburgh
- Further indeterminate fallout
- Historical echoes, part 1
- Historical echoes, part 2
- Historical echoes, part 3
- Berkeleyfest
- In other forms, forall x
- Meet the new book, same as the old book
- Vanity searches and scholary productivity
- Publishing in the echo chamber
- Go for the gold
- Historical echoes, part 4
- Historical echoes, part 5
- Historical echoes, part 6
- Swamp menace threatens omnipotent god
- What I say about theories
- Hectic days make light blogging
- Happy fourth blogiversary!
- Brown on me on d-cog
- The skinny on the brief
- In the kingdom of the abstruse
- Alarm clock belief change
- How to be a pluralist about art
- 2009 in review
- It's only a question
- Book and Pitt
- Contents may settle during shipping
- Grue on a Tuesday
- Tales in a subdued palette of chestnut and white
- How to be better at fraud
- Surfing the new wave
- Once more the New Wave
- Approaches to thinking about approaching grad school
- Short subject on featured articles
- x 1.28
- Deconstructive empiricism
- Straight shooting about red herrings
- Should we phone ET?
- TeX doodle recognition
- Further adventures
- Slice of life, slightly stale
- A specimen of 'performance' talk
- The brew at Tazza D'oro
- Trying on old Suits
- Following Suits
- Duck and drake clusters
- Suits not of cards, but of chess
- Puerto Rico and the Suits payoff
- All F null
- Happy fifth blogiversary!
- SUNY or later
- Cuts back home
- What I said about natural kinds
- What I should call my natural kinds
- Incubating ideas
- Montreal, ho!
- Metaphysics grad conference
- A prickly example [or] Cholla at ya' later
- A note on Alice and Paul
- A bad diagnosis [or] Autism implies canism
- A paradox arises over beer
- 2010 in review, with over three weeks to spare
- Bibliometric curios
- The undergirding code
- Logicomix and framing
- The glow of faux precision [or] Caveon, cave off
- Am I Descartes or are you?
- Phailure oph phenetics
- New journals in which not to publish
- Offered without comment
- How to say 'ahoy' in a correspondence
- Seadevil you say
- Topic neutrality is geek carte blanche
- Whither logos & whence episteme?
- Lo! -gos & episteme!
- Epistemic community and the Synthese boycott
- Analysis of the Synthese affair
- Petition repetition [or] Synthesiana ad infinitum
- The trends on Kant futures
- Unprofessional, unresponsive, and unacceptable [or] Synthese, again and still
- What journals do
- E-mail beyond the event horizon
- The debacle in plain text [or] The editors' reply, redux
- A song is like mallards
- Debacle decision
- Chow fun philosophy
- A course about and for robots
- Title bout
- Chatter about 'natural kinds'
- Philosophy on the middle ground
- Happy sixth blogiversary!
- Dead letters, arise!
- Briefly bibliometric me
- Papers still being seen
- Knobe or not Knobe, that is the question
- Two drafts posted
- Another digit in the googleplex
- Carving up the words
- Digesting the whole Wikipedia
- The FOE digest for 2011
- Title bout, round two
- Two data points on brevity
- No clever title, this
- What's the opposite of philosophically conservative?
- Grounding metaphysics
- Nature, don't think I won't cut you
- Philosophy of science as it was taught to John Rawls
- On the use and abuse of philosophical jargon
- That groovy cat Fine
- Indexing from planets to mallards
- Debriefing: clickers, being, and bad faith
- Package deals
- Gaiman on simulated wisdom
- Counting on universals
- What I'm reading now
- What scientists know
- Kvetching about Holt in the Stone
- It takes a village to write a book
- This post is the previous post warmed over
- A post on r-strategy would have been more appropriate for Talk Like a Pirate Day
- Planets to Mallards across the pond
- The Leiter side of open access
- Author copies arrived today
- Upcoming talk: Frost-Arnold on "analytic philosophy"
- Tautologists all agree
- On the invisibility of women
- In which I talk myself up
- Belated seventh blogiversary
- Common sense of the hokum variety
- The FOE digest for 2012
- Debriefing * science
- Bizarro am always been realist
- Meet the new problems, same as the old problems
- Planet? I just make et up as I go along!
- The neap semester
- Covering the issue
- What I said to the Russians
- Locke grab bag
- Natural kinds road show
- What is the opposite of 'fundamental'?
- There's open and then there's "open"
- The paper appears, just like I said it would
- Market trends in modern philosophy
- Cartoon reasoning about dinosaurs
- UAlbany philosophy a'changing
- Bon mots
- The professional bullet points
- Can't keep a Goodman down
- Chthonic prose
- Of pixels and pictures
- Slater on planets and mallards
- The title is a deliberate pun
- Some words about evidence and method
- Sounding the scores
- No cause for alarm
- Guest post for birds
- My chair, my shelf, my desk
- Birds and fishes
- Incommensurable numbering
- Mirrors aren't even mirrors
- Albany is hiring in early modern
- A vignette on a scrap of paper
- The accumulation of blog bits
- Brevity update
- More about brevity, this time with pictures
- Happy eighth blogiversary!
- The Batman paradigm
- The open access dragnet
- The train of citations
- Read and Woolley on Wray on Kuhn
- Kuhn without incommensurability
- Kuhn on progress
- Douglas on progress
- What venues are there for short papers?
- Words about words
- Problems in logic and the application of terms
- Florida and the last mile of logic
- Turkeys form a natural kind, stuffing is an HPC
- 2013 as the blog flies
- A short item on natural kinds
- Collaboration in the key of d-cog
- There's a reason they call that guy "Hacker"
- The old Mill run
- Open fire
- Digital pictures paper
- God, purposes, and the misuse of probabilities
- What PhilArt can teach PhilSci
- It was about Samuel L Jackson
- Franceward
- D-cog reflux
- *PC accounts
- Omission
- Amalgamating ratings
- Teaching covers
- UAlbany philosophy, still changing
- Ergo, ego
- Rayo on logical space
- Rationing rationality
- Referee calls foul
- What I said in Paris, more or less
- Mill still and again
- Remember that time I wrote that thing about that stuff
- Epicycle on footnotes
- Twitter buzz
- 100^3
- Hidebound steepness
- The business of philosophy
- Philosophy contest
- Two papers from late summer
- Contest results
- Scotch philosophy
- Facebook and civil society
- Books about kinds
- <the greatest weight, the greatest weight>
- Some people have a latex allergy
- Types and tokens of blue
- Ninth blogiversary, belated
- truth 1, falsity 0
- 2014 in the rearview mirrow
- A singular comedic formula
- Die Französischspeckfragen
- Struck by a semirealism
- Not with a bang
- A bang after all
- Cleaning Chekhov's Gun
- Reputation evaluation gesticulation
- Hiring news
- On the MAP
- Counting journals that count
- Cited more often than the norm
- LeWitt (1968) x Conway (1970)
- Other open access logic books
- A sophism on a Thursday
- A font like a clown
- Scrap from a non-existent story
- On gendered terms and the vocative "dude"
- Janet at Forbes
- Trouble in d-cog land
- Pluto pictures prompt ponderous posturing
- Kind of published
- On-line course post mortem
- paratodo x
- Pop, pop science
- Religion on the road to pragmatism
- Some tips for writing a philosophy paper
- Do emoji pose a puzzle about representation?
- Must a bulldozer be an egg?
- Seasonal notes
- Nine again, fine again, jiggety jig?
- Special issues
- Reaction to waves
- Engineering 'sexual orientation'
- Archives
- Illicit repost about covers
- The internal proletariat is a-risin' (maybe)
- I ought to mention
- Feminist philsci
- May blows in
- The fruits of June
- Soft serve metaphysics
- Wombat migration